Assembly Hymns A/N Islands

by Vincent Joel Kola

Books & Reference


This app has come out as an initiative for the need of a multilingualsong book in the Andaman and Nicobar Islands as this Island haspeople of different languages coming in each church. Bro. M. K. Sunnyhad a plan of making a song book with songs of different languages tobe made and he shared this matter with Bro. Georgy Jacob who startedcompiling songs from different sources and typing the songs in differentlanguages. Actually the song book was planned to be printed as books.But because of the Covid issue and the physical gatherings of themeetings had been restricted we got an idea to make it into an app. Sowe asked Bro. Vincent Joel Kola to help in this matter and heimmediately consented and took the efforts to make this app. Thus thisapp was made.This kind of an app is first of its kind in the history of the BrethrenAssemblies of the Andaman and Nicobar Islands. This is a new venturemay contain some flaws. For the improvement and developmentscomments are welcome. Praying this app would be used for theblessing of many and for the glory of God.The features of this app.1) It is first of this kind with 7 different languages.2) The vernacular languages except Bengali have been typed in boththe vernacular script and roman script.3) Most of the songs in this app are familiar.4) Songs can be searched easily by typing either the number of the firstfew letters of the song.5) Can be easily downloaded from the Google playstore.